Buyer Consulting
Your Advantage As A Buyer
After doing several hundred transactions over the past 10 years our team had come to a conclusion that in many cases this is the single largest financial transaction in the buyer’s life and most of the time this is their first business purchase.  Having seen many mistakes costing the buyers sometimes their life savings we wanted to do more than just do the paperwork and get to a closing.  We have plans in place to aid with this process called our buyer Advocacy Program.  Call us to find out more info!
Proven Track Record: We’ve helped numerous local owners sell their companies quickly. People who would have otherwise waited for a long time have experienced amazing success with us. As an experienced Tampa business broker, we have the skills that are needed to produce exceptional results for you.
If you are like many other would-be entrepreneurs, you recognize the advantages of purchasing an established business over starting from scratch. However, many people who are interested in making such purchases do not have the necessary cash on hand. Fortunately, lenders and others in the business real estate industry have come up with some creative options in financing for qualified purchasers. Find out more about how you can get the capital you need by consulting your Tampa business brokers.

Working With A Broker
Purchasing Options
SBA Loans
A Small Business Administration loan (SBA) is another alternative for purchasers. Finding a lender authorized to issue such a loan is not difficult, and several financing options help borrowers to get the right fit. Lending institutions benefit from the SBA guarantee, which promises to pay as much as three-fourths of a loan if a borrower defaults. Your business broker or SBA-certified lender can go over the details and requirements of this type of funding.
Mezzanine Funding
The mezzanine funding represents another option in financing when you are acquiring a company to add to your existing enterprise. The lenders in this type of funding are typically wealthy individuals looking to grow their capital quickly, so interest rates may be higher than average.
A combination of several funding sources may be necessary to put together a financial package that allows you to purchase a business. The expertise of Tampa Business Broker is invaluable in making sure that you explore all possible funding avenues and come up with a financing package that covers the purchase agreement.